"Waffle Black show" at Nicosia,Cyprus

Title:- "Waffle Black show" at Nicosia,Cyprus

Venue:- PASYDY Auditorium
3 Avenue Opera Severis
Nicosia, 1066, Nicosia, Cyprus

Show Name:- “Waffle Black show” at Nicosia,Cyprus

Host:- PASYDY Auditorium/Michalis Reppas and Thanassis

Artists:- Michalis Reppas and Thanassis Papathanasiou,

Date & Time:- On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
From: Friday, November 29th, 2019
Until: Sunday, February 2nd, 2020
Time: Starts at 20:30

Show Description:- The hilarious comedy by Michalis Reppas and Thanassis Papathanasiou, adapts to the Cypriot reality and offers plenty of laughter.

Directed by Kostas Kazakas

URL:- https://www.cyprusevents.net/events/vafta-mavra-nicosia-2019/