Title:- "Two on the road 2.-Joint evening of Péter Aranyosi and István Dombóvári"
Venue:- Corvin Dumas Theater,Corvin Promenade 1 / b., Budapest, Hungary, 1082
Show Name:- “Two on the road 2.-Joint evening of Péter Aranyosi and István Dombóvári”
Host:- István Dombóvári, Dumaszínház and Dumaszínház (Corvin)
Artists:- Péter Aranyosi and István Dombóvári
Date & Time:- Friday, 31 July 2020 from 20:30-22:00pm
Show Description:- Péter Aranyosi and István Dombóvári have been traveling the world for years.
After their experience reports, the eyes do not stay dry. These two bagpipes always fit in an inn and even engage spectators in their adventures.
On their joint evening, their permanent topics will also come to the fore