Title:- "Tom Rosenthal Show” at Effenaar, Eindhoven
Venue:- De Effenaar
Dommelstraat 2, Eindhoven, Netherlands
**Show Name: "Tom Rosenthal Show” at Effenaar, Eindhoven
Hosted by:- De Effenaar & Tom Rosenthal
Other Line-up Artist:- Matt Maltese
Date & Time:- Sun, 29 Sep, 7:30 pm GMT+2
Show Details:- Thomas Alan Smith “Tom” Rosenthal is an English comedian and actor. Matt is a Brilliant. A fine performer, with honesty and not pretentious. Matt doesn’t overplay, just comfortable to play what he feels, which is very himself, not trying to be anything but also nothing less.
Event URL:- https://www.effenaar.nl/agenda/9500/tom-rosenthal/en