Title:- "The Little Temple Of Laughter" by Jardin Sauvage
Venue:- Wild garden, 60 Quai d’Austerlitz, 75013 Paris, France
Show Name:- "The Little Temple Of Laughter" by Jardin Sauvage
Host:- Jardin Sauvage
Artists:- Kyan Khojandi, Shirley Souagnon, Tareek, Marina Rollman
Date & Time:- Sun July 26, 2020, 19:30 - 20:30 time: France
Show Description:- Because laughter is the best therapy, the Petit Temple Du Rire opens its doors to you aboard the Jardin Sauvage barge to boost your serotonin!
It gives the public the opportunity both to (re) discover successful artists, who each have their own show in Paris or in the provinces, but also to be part of the privileged who see the new talents of French humor.
Having already received Kyan Khojandi, Shirley Souagnon, Tareek, Marina Rollman or even Tania Dutel , the Petit Temple du Rire has only one motto: In Laught We Trust! In the laughter We believe!
So book your evening quickly for a new meeting at the Jardin Sauvage for a good weekend !!
Free entry / Compulsory consumption at the Comedy Club bar / Free entry outing
URL:- https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-le-petit-temple-du-rire-109349760076?aff=erelpanelorg