Title:- The in laws from Buckingham
Venue:- Strovolos Municipal Theatre
Strovolos Avenue 100,Strovolos, Nicosia Cyprus
Show Name:- The in laws from Buckingham
Host:- Pirasmos Productions
Artists:- Thanasis Papathanasiou and Michalis Repas.
Date & Time:- Saturday, December 7th, 2019 at 8:30PM onwards
Show Description:- Pirasmos Productions presents the Cypriot version of the well known Greek comedy “The in laws from Tirana” by Thanasis Papathanasiou and Michalis Repas.
Directed by Loris Loizides.
URL:- https://www.cyprusevents.net/events/in-laws-from-buckingham-strovolos-2019/