Title:- "Terry McHugh Mini Strokes of Luck"
Venue:- Lagan Valley Island
Civic Centre, The Island, BT274RL Lisburn, Lisburn, United Kingdom
Show Name:- “Terry McHugh Mini Strokes of Luck”
Host:- Terry McHugh/ Lagan Valley Island, Civic Centre/David Hull Promotions
**Artists:-**Terry McHugh/Frazer Robb
Date & Time:- Fri Nov 08 2019 at 09:00 pm to 11:30 pm
Show Description:- Sometimes when bad things happen people say, “We’ll look back at this and laugh someday”
North Belfast Comedian and former yoyo Champion Terry McHugh says, “Why wait?!”
That’s why, in “Mini Strokes of Luck”, his first new show for 2 years, Terry will be taking a very funny and honest look at his experience of suffering 2 mini strokes and the effects they had on him.
Terry will turn a comedy eye on his strokes, his family, his one posh friend and the oddities of country living… he might even show off his yo-yo skills.
Terry will be joined by the hilarious Frazer Robb who has been performing on the Northern Irish Comedy scene for nearly 10 years as a Stand Up and as part of improv group Wonderfrog
URL:- https://www.laganvalleyisland.co.uk/event/TERRY-MCHUGH-MINI-STROKES-OF-LUCK