Title:- “Stand Up - Propaganda Comedy #2.04 - Oliver Sotra” at Shamrock Munich
Venue:- Shamrock Munich, Munich, Germany
Show Name:- “Stand Up - Propaganda Comedy #2.04 - Oliver Sotra”
Host:- Propaganda Comedy, Munich
Artists:- Oliver Sotra
Date & Time:- Sunday, Jun 20 2021 at 06:30 pm to 10:30pm
Show Description:-
“One of the few rare talents who was born to be a Standup; they don’t make them like this often.” - Eddie Izzard
At the spearhead of the New Wave English language European comedy scene, Oliver Sotra Comedian’s razor wit and hilarious manner is pulsing with explosive jokes, raucous humour and cultural awareness. Having ran London comedy for 4 years it’s now a global and distinctly pan-European, East meets West powerhouse and towering presence of comedy currently resident in Berlin. A Serbian father, an English mother and a global upbringing have made worldwide performances sparkle. Smash hit after smash hit all over Europe led Eddie Izzard invite him as his opening act in Belgrade on his world tour. The global flavour of comedy in 2020 is personified in Oliver Sotra’s signature act-out, accent filled and character driven comedy.
URL:- Stand Up - Propaganda Comedy #2.04 - Oliver Sotra *M, Shamrock Munich, June 20 2021 | AllEvents.in