Title:- Stand-up Night @Neverland
Venue:- Neverland Bar & Escape Room
Dohány u. 22-24., Budapest, Hungary, 1074
Show Name:- Stand-up Night @Neverland
Host:- Neverland Bar & Escape Room/Noé Bex (FR) :
Artists:- Lőrinc Réti (HU)
Sid Moorthy (India)
Rebecca Vilhonen (Finland)
Date & Time:- Sunday, November 10, 2019 at 8 PM – 10 PM
Show Description:- Special showcase of English Stand-Up comedy in Neverland!
Come to see local and international comedians.
Hosted by Noé Bex (FR) :
On the bill :
Lőrinc Réti (HU)
Sid Moorthy (India)
Rebecca Vilhonen (Finland)
URL:- https://www.facebook.com/events/neverland-bar-escape-room/stand-up-night-neverland/504070353766561/