Title:- "STAND UP EVENING - HUMOR" by Camille Bizien
55 Rue de la Roquette, 75011 Paris, France
Show Name:- “STAND UP EVENING - HUMOR” by Camille Bizien
Host:- Camille Bizien
Artists:- Camille Bizien
Date & Time:- Every Tuesday, at 8:30 p.m (28th July, 2020)
Show Description:- Every Tuesday, at 8:30 p.m. at the Bootleg Comedy Club, we prepare a tray of crazy comedians!
For a serene start to the week, nothing like a little stand-up evening!
You will decrease your stress, gain in tone of the zygomatics and in life expectancy.
You will be so relaxed that your noisy neighbor will no longer bother you, you will become a friend, he will introduce you to his sister, you will get married, have two children …
So you’re coming?
URL:- https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-soiree-de-stand-up-humour-51703843588?aff=ebdssbdestsearch