Title:- Stand Up Comedy Turné - Debrecen
Venue:- Régi Posta Étterem És Fogadó, [email protected], Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
Show Name:- Stand Up Comedy Turné - Debrecen
Host:- Stand up comedy Humor Society
Artists:- Russian Gyuri, Magyed and Bruti
Date & Time:- Thu Nov 14 2019 at 07:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Show Description:- Performers: Russian Gyuri, Magyed and Bruti
Members of the Stand up comedy Humor Society are coming home to Debrecen. Gyuri Orosz comes from here, and Bruti is still a resident of the city. Monthly and monthly they perform in front of the Old Post Restaurant and Inn in the heart of downtown. This is likely to be the case on November 14, and whether or not you will be there is up to you. Well-known guys from the Showder Club bring their latest experiences. The show is 2 x 40 minutes.
URL:- https://allevents.in/debrecen/stand-up-comedy-turné-debrecen/200018127254926