Title:- "Stand-up Comedy Show - Theater Drehleier (Comedy Club Munich)"
Venue:- Theater Drehleier, Rosenheimer Str. 123, 81667 München, Germany
Show Name:- "Stand-up Comedy Show - Theater Drehleier (Comedy Club Munich)"
Host:- Theater Drehleier
Artists:- Mel Kelly and friends
Date & Time:- Fr. 11. September 2020 20:00 Uhr – 23:00 Uhr MESZ
Show Description:- Beschreibung
The English/German speaking Comedy Club Munich will be presenting its Stand-Up Comedy show with Mel Kelly and friends. They have also invited a number of other comedians.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Event begins at 20:00. Doors open at 18:30.
Please buy your ticket now!
Note: The places are not numbered or reserved. There is free seating only. All remaining available places will be then sold on a first come first serve basis.
It is best to turn up as early as possible to ensure getting the best possible seat.
Food and Drinks are available and will be served at the table.