Stand up comedy & magician show

Title:- Stand up comedy & magician show

Venue:- Cafe hut, Széchenyi tér 8, Szeged, 6720, Szeged, Hungary

Show Name:- Stand up comedy & magician show

Host:- Poen Partisans team/Hut Cafe

Artists:- Poen Partisans team
John Hadfi
Áron Bálint
Gábor Korcsok
Attila Szegedi

Date & Time:- Wed Nov 20 2019 at 09:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Show Description:- Would you like to relax a little, laugh a good one?
In this case, Wednesday night at the Hut Cafe is where the Poen Partisans team can’t wait to work out your diapers!
