Title:- Stand up Comedy in English: The Trouble with being Born Romanian
Venue:- Tir Na Nóg (The Tap Room), 40 Frederiksgade,
8000 Aarhus, Denmark
Show Name:- Stand up Comedy in English: The Trouble with being Born Romanian
Host:- Victor Patrascan
Artists:- Victor Patrascan
Date & Time:- Mon, October 12, 2020, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM CEST
Show Description:- London-based Romanian comedian Victor Patrascan is coming to Aarhus with his irreverent and outrageous stand up comedy show. The show will be performed entirely in English.
Victor is bewildered by our society and questions whether it is better to be Romanian or Bulgarian, right or left or just a human person.
Come watch a subversive, heartfelt and dark comedy show. If you are someone who questions everything about life, religion, politics, death and love, this is the show for you.
The show will be held indoors and follow current social distancing guidelines. Therefore, we are only able to have a limited number of seating.