Title:- Stand Up Comedy in English: Open Mic
Venue:- Cafe Szafe, Felicjanek 10, 31-104 Kraków, Poland, Krakow, Poland
Show Name:- Stand Up Comedy in English: Open Mic
Host:- Cafe Szafe/Tibor Szilagyi and Tomek Biskup
Artists:- Tibor Szilagyi and Tomek Biskup
Date & Time:- Wed Nov 13 2019 at 08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Show Description:- We would like to invite you to a stand up comedy open mic. Each performer gets seven minutes on stage and a beer. You get a ton of laughter
Want to perform? Write “spot please” on the event. You will get seven minutes (we have six spots).
If you want to see the show come to Cafe Szafe on 13th November. You will pay as much as you want, no tickets ?
The show will be hosted by gentlemen who have really twisted accents:
Tibor Szilagyi and Tomek Biskup.
URL:- Stand Up Comedy in English: Open Mic, Cafe Szafe, Krakow, November 13 2019 | AllEvents.in