Title:- Stand Up Comedy Evening
Venue:- Avenija Coffee & Co., Vrbani 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia
Show Name:- Stand Up Comedy Evening
Host:- Avenija Coffee & Co.
Artists:- Zvonko Kozic stand-up comedy
Jadranko Glavačević
Denis Jason Rajcic STAND Upbeat comedian / Imitator
Date & Time:- Wed Nov 27 2019 at 08:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Show Description:- Come for a stand up comedy night with local comedians who will (from) treat you with laughter without any side effects!
You will be entertained -
Zvonko Kozic stand-up comedy
Jadranko Glavačević
Denis Jason Rajcic STAND Upbeat comedian / Imitator
Come and see that there is simply no joke with them! ?
URL:- https://allevents.in/zagreb/stand-up-comedy-evening/200018373707645