Title:- "Shagged, Married, Annoyed Podcast" at Edinburgh Playhouse
Venue:- Edinburgh Playhouse, 18-22 Greenside Place, Edinburgh EH1 3AA, UK
Show Name:- “Shagged, Married, Annoyed Podcast” at Edinburgh Playhouse
Artists:- Chris and Rosie Ramsey
Date & Time:- Wed 30 Jun and Thu 1 Jul 2021 at 20:00 Hours onwards
Show Description:-
Tickets available from £31.90
subject to a transaction fee of £3.65
The only way the Ramseys can have a conversation without being interrupted by a small child or ending up staring at their phones is by doing a podcast. One that has gone on to frequently top the charts and has had a phenomenal 18 million downloads to date.
As always, the loveable Geordie duo will be chatting all about life, relationships, arguments, annoyances, parenting, growing up and everything in between, but this time in front of a live audience.
URL:- Shagged, Married, Annoyed Podcast Tickets | Edinburgh Playhouse in Edinburgh | ATG Tickets