Title:- Sesv. Kraljevec - No Relationships - Stand up comedy show
Venue:- Movie Caffe Bar & Familia Slastice, 33a Dugoselska Street, 10361 Sesvetski Kraljevec, City of Zagreb, Croatia
Show Name:- Sesv. Kraljevec - No Relationships - Stand up comedy show
Host:- Sesv. Kraljevec/ Movie Caffe Bar & Familia Slastice/Studio Laughs
Artists:- Sesv. Kraljevec
Date & Time:- Fri Dec 06 2019 at 08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Show Description:- Dear audience of the Sesvete Kraljevo, regular stand up nights at Movie Caffe Bar & Familia Slastice continue. Now comes the new money show #NijeveVeze by Igor Drljo and Tihomir Psycho Paravina.
After many years of separate work, these two young men finally met. Although they may not be better for them, it is good for you / us as an audience that they are. These two comedians form a great blend of the incompatible into one unique experience called NOTHING.
One beats a bad voice, the other a bad voice and stature.
One has a chin, the other has a beard hiding.
One should lose a few pounds to be thin, the other should gain a few pounds to be thin.
After this show, nothing will be the same in your psychiatrist’s office.
Theirs is already chaos.
**URL:- https://allevents.in/zagreb/sesv-kraljevec-niđe-veze-stand-up-comedy-show/200018373707343