Title:- "Russell Howard" at Edinburgh Playhouse, Edinburgh
Venue:- Edinburgh Playhouse, 18-22 Greenside Place, Edinburgh EH1 3AA, UK
Show Name:- “Russell Howard” at Edinburgh Playhouse, Edinburgh
Host:- Russell Howard and Edinburgh Playhouse
Artists:- Russell Howard
Date & Time:- Sat 3 Jul 2021, at 20:00 Hours onwards
Show Description:- Following the record-breaking success of his 2017 tour Round The World, Russell Howard returns with his biggest globe-spanning stand-up tour to date.
Hot on the heels of his critically-acclaimed hit Sky One show The Russell Howard Hour , and his global smash Netflix special Recalibrate , Russell is back on stage where he belongs, making sense of a world that’s spinning out of control.
It’s time for Respite .
URL:- Russell Howard Tickets | Edinburgh Playhouse in Edinburgh | ATG Tickets