Title:- Reverse Musical Improv – Interactive Concert – Montázs Art Café
Venue:- Montage Art Café
Budapest, Etele út 55, Hungary
Show Name:- Reverse Musical Improv – Interactive Concert – Montázs Art Café
Host:- Montage Art Café/Reverse Improv
Artists:- Laszlo Pirisi and vocalist Szandra Szőke
Date & Time:- Friday, November 22, 2019 at 8 PM – 9:30 PM
Show Description:- REVERSE is an interactive musical comedy concert performed by pianist Laszlo Pirisi and vocalist Szandra Szőke.
In REVERSE IMPROV shows, songs are born on the spot using audience suggestions and fuse the unlikeliest genres, with samples taken from random objects and with lyrics based on everything from the day’s news headlines, automatic translation engines, complaints from hotel sites and inspirational quote blogs.