Title:- Opera StandUP
Venue:- Up4event.hu
Szent István tér 13-14, Budapest, Hungary, 1042
Show Name:- Opera StandUP
Host:- Up4event.hu/András Hábetler and the FareMido Opera Company
Artists:- András Hábetler and the FareMido Opera Company
Date & Time:- Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM
Show Description:- Let’s forget what we knew, heard or experienced about the opera so far.
András Hábetler and the FareMido Opera Company invite the Budapest audience to a special Opera StandUP!
Exceptional opera concerts await spectators without pathos and microphone, with exceptional sounds and lots of humor.
URL:- https://www.facebook.com/events/up4eventhu/opera-standup/1344565902373668/