"My Dad Wrote A Porno" by Jamie Morton, James Cooper, and Alice Levine

Podcast:- "My Dad Wrote A Porno"
Hosts:- Jamie Morton, James Cooper, and Alice Levine
Country:- Great Britain

Short Description:- My Dad Wrote a Porno is a British podcast hosted by Jamie Morton, James Cooper, and Alice Levine. Each episode features Morton reading a new chapter of an amateur erotic novel, titled Belinda Blinked, supposedly written by his father under the pen name Rocky Flintstone.

Website URL:- http://www.mydadwroteaporno.com/

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URL:- https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL215ZGFkd3JvdGVhcG9ybm8&episode=MzZlZjhmN2MtNTllNS00ODk2LThmOTctNzg4MjM2ZjNlM2Rh&pe=1&ep=6&at=1563902330445

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