Title:- "Mrs Brown’s Boys D’Live Show" at Edinburgh Playhouse
Venue:- Edinburgh Playhouse, 18-22 Greenside Place, Edinburgh, Scotland U.K
Show Name:- “Mrs Brown’s Boys D’Live Show”
Host:- Edinburgh Playhouse & What’s On Edinburgh
Artists:- Mrs. Brown’s Boys
Date & Time:- Fri Jul 16 2021 at 7 pm & Sunday Jul 18 2021 3:30 pm
Show Description:-
Bringing the Mrs. Brown’s Boys D’Musical production back next year they will perform in some venues and cities that they haven’t played in for many years. Mrs. Brown’s Boys promises to take audiences on an exhilarating and side-splitting adventure. Brendan O’Carroll said: “It’s the funniest thing I’ve ever written. Even I laugh and I know what’s coming next!”
Mrs. Brown’s Boys success has been nothing short of incredible. Voted the No. 1 Sitcom of the 21st Century, awards include 5 BAFTAs, 4 National Television Awards, 3 TV Choice Awards, 4 IFTA awards, 3 TV Times Awards as well as RTS, TRIC and National Comedy Awards. It is a ratings smash across the globe. Mrs. Brown’s Boys live show has broken box office records across the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
URL:- Mrs Brown’s Boys D’Live Show, Edinburgh Playhouse, July 16 to July 18 | AllEvents.in