Title:- Mortiis at Reykjavik, Iceland
Venue:- Gaukurinn
Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Show Name:- Mortiis
Host:- Gaukurinn
Artists:- Mortiis (Headliner)
Date & Time:- Saturday 16 November 2019, Doors open: 18:00
Show Description:- A mixture of old and new songs with the music sounding brilliant, they did an excellent job performing their best tracks with the classics of Parasite God' and an enqure of
Decadent and Desperate’ with new hits from the latest album The Great Deceiver' such as
Demons Are Back’, I really enjoyed there performance and was even greeted by the Vocalist himself who was kind enough to have a picture taken with me!!
URL:- https://www.songkick.com/concerts/39158802-mortiis-at-gaukurinn