Marlon Kicken | In de lift / Marlon Kicken | In the elevator

Title:- "Marlon Kicken | In the elevator/Marlon Kicken | In de lift"

Venue:- Parktheater Eindhoven
Theaterpad 1 , 5615 EN Eindhoven

Show Name:- Marlon Kicken | In de lift
Hosted by:-

Date & Time:- Sat, 28 Sep, 8:30 pm GMT+2

Show Details:- Marlon is praised for his self-mockery, familiar stories and improvisational talent. Take delight in this hilarious Brabander with his relaxed and original style.A genuine storyteller with a relaxed presence.In his third theater performance, Marlon takes you from the past to the present and into the future. Who has he met? What can he expect?
Marlon Kicken comments on the world around him from a humorous perspective.

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