Title:- Magic Mic Comedy Open Mic
Venue:- Mika Tivadar Mulató
Budapest, Kazinczy u. 47, Hungary
Show Name:- Magic Mic Comedy Open Mic
Host:- Mika Tivadar Mulató/ Magic Mic Comedy/Erasmus Student Network ELTE
Artists:- Lőrinc Réti and Sid Moorthy!
Date & Time:- Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 7:30 PM – 10 PM
Show Description:- Welcome to Magic Mic Comedy’s Open Mic show, hosted by Lőrinc Réti and Sid Moorthy!
If you’re not familiar with the format, an open mic essentially means that anyone is free to try themselves out on stage in front of a live audience – regardless of age, experience or level of skill. Whether you’ve been toying with the idea of trying stand-up for a while or you’re a pro, now you’ll have a chance to perform at Mika. All performers get 5 minutes onstage. Please note this is a stand-up comedy open mic only.