Launch Pad – English Open Mic live at Rakieta [08.02]


Launch Pad – English Open Mic live at Rakieta [08.02]


Nowy Świat 4a 00-497 Warsaw, Poland

Show Name:

Launch Pad – English Open Mic live at Rakieta [08.02]


Rakieta Klub


Date & Time:

FEB 9 AT 3 AM – FEB 9 AT 4:30 AM UTC+08

Show Description:

Rakieta is putting together an English stand-up and variety open-mic hosted by the very Canadian Ariel Bialski!
Come join the night of entertainment and laughter full of stand-ups, improvisers and special guests! You might have found your new favorite night out.

15 PLN

Tickets available:

• online – press the orange button [KUP]
• at the box office – one and a half hour before the start of the show, on the days we play shows


  1. During the performances, we offer viewers no more seats in the room than allowed. Please, follow the markings and keep the required distance between the seats…
  2. The participation in the performance requires a mask or face covering that needs to cover both mouth and nose. Please, bring a face mask with you.
  3. We let viewers enter the audience no earlier than half an hour before the start of the performance.
  4. People who buy a ticket at the stationary box office will be asked to provide personal data enabling future contact in case of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection among participants of a given event and epidemiological investigation. Such data will be stored by the organizer for two weeks. Providing data is advisable, but not obligatory.
  5. Buying a ticket and coming to the show is tantamount to the viewer’s statement that they are not under quarantine and that for the last 14 days they:
    – have not stayed in countries with an increased incidence of coronavirus
    – had no contact with people who were confirmed to be infected with coronavirus
    – had no symptoms of coronavirus infection (fever, cough, diarrhea, shortness of breath, pain in muscles and joints, etc.).

If you notice any disturbing health symptoms, please resign from coming to the performance and stay at home.