Title:- Jungle Comedy: Welcome to the Jungle of Humor! by Jardin Sauvage
Venue:- Wild garden, 60 Quai d’Austerlitz, 75013 Paris, France
Show Name:- Jungle Comedy: Welcome to the Jungle of Humor!
Host:- Jardin Sauvage /Wild Garden
Artists:- Various Artists
Date & Time:- Fri 24 July 2020 21:30 - 22:30 time: France
Show Description:- The Jungle Comedy is a set of the best specimens of humor in the making or already known on the Parisian scene !!
They present you their best punchlines. They each have their own universe. They have a given time to make you laugh … and it’s up to you so that they can continue to do so!
FREE entry / Compulsory consumption downstairs, in the bar of the Comedy Club / Free entry for artists.