Title:- "Jólatónleikar" Show at Langholtskirkja, Reykjavík, Iceland
Sólheimar 13, Reykjavík, Iceland
Show Name:- “Jólatónleikar” Show at Langholtskirkja, Reykjavík, Iceland
Host:- The Reykjavík District Court
Artists:- The Reykjavík District Court
Date & Time:- 7th Dec,2019 at 2PM & 4:30 PM
Show Description:- The Reykjavík City Band will hold two Christmas concerts on December 7th. in Langholt Church, at 14.00 and 16:30.
As a rule, the Latvian band offers a varied program, light and well-known Christmas songs in combination with the festive.
Our guest singer this time will be Helgi Björn.
As before, the director is Gísli Magna and the orchestra is in the hands of Tomas Gudni Eggertsson of the Latvian orchestra.
The ticket price is ISK 3,900 and passes to choir women, but can also be contacted via [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you dear friends at a Christmas party in Langholt Church on December 7th.