Title:- Humor Club in Vilnius with program "4 Donatai"
Venue:- Legendos klubas
Kalvarijų g. 85, 08219 Vilnius, Lithuania
Show Name:- Humor Club in Vilnius with program “4 Donatas”
Date & Time:- 27th Nov, 2019 7pm onwards
Show Description:- Humor Club Announces New Tour! It will be called “4 Donatas” and will travel to various cities and towns in Lithuania!
The tour has absolutely nothing to do with a music band of the same name, and there are no Donatas in the Humor Club. It probably won’t.
The stage will climb:
Paulius Ambrazevičius
Mantas Bartuševičius
Vaidotas Sheikh
Dominyk Klajum
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