Title:- “HOW TO BECOME A PARISIAN IN ONE HOUR” at Théâtre des Nouveautés
Venue:- Théâtre des Nouveautés, 24 boulevard Poissonnière, 75009 Paris, France
Show Name:- “HOW TO BECOME A PARISIAN IN ONE HOUR” at Théâtre des Nouveautés
Host:- Théâtre des Nouveautés, Paris, France
Artists:- Olivier Giraud.
Date & Time:- 09th/10th/15th July 2021 at 8pm onwards
Show Description:-
It’s the only lesson you’ll ever need! No, you will not learn French, but you’ll learn how to behave ‘like a Parisian’, as well as the major differences between French people and Anglo-Saxons. It’s a daring, rip-roaring, self-deprecating one-man-show, sure to be the highlight of your trip. How to Become a Parisian in One Hour has welcomed more than 800,000 spectators since 2009!
Spend an hour “learning” all the tricks and tips on what it takes to become Parisian, thanks to Paris’ very own hilarious comic, Olivier Giraud.
Surrounded by a French and international audience, you’ll discover how to act like a true Parisian in everyday situations such as riding the metro, dining in a cafe, wandering the city streets, and even in relationships. You will not only laugh at the performance but leave the beautiful Théâtre des Nouveautés confident enough to mingle with the Parisians - or at least understand them!
URL:- How to Become A Parisian in One Hour - Théâtre des Nouveautés - Theatre In Paris