Title:- Gystere • New Morning (Paris)
Venue:- New Morning (Official), 7/9, Rue des Petites Ecuries, Paris, France
Show Name:- Gystere • New Morning (Paris)
Host:- “New Morning Official”
Artists:- Gystere
Date & Time:- Tue July 13 2021 at 08:30pm to 11:00pm
Show Description:-
colorful character escaped from a retro-futuristic fresco, GYSTERE already has all of the phenomenon that draws attention. At the end of 2020, he unveils his very first album: “A Little Story”, of which he will present the live version exclusively on the New Morning stage! Between imaginary SF, modern psych-funk and pop, the universe of GYSTERE resolutely overflows the usual boxes. Propelling his DIY ship from the depths of the 70s and 80s, he spreads as many anti-racist and anti-sexist messages disguised as real timeless hits.
Listening to his first solo album, the ambition of Gystere aka Adrien Peskine is not a big mystery. By bending the space-time, it brings together in the same point the influences which have shaped it: “I have always sought to create the artist and the music that I could not find in my disco. I wondered” why this music does not exist? I just have to do it myself. "
URL:- Gystere • New Morning (Paris), New Morning (Officiel), Paris, July 13 2021 | AllEvents.in