Title:- FYRIS Comedy - Simon Garshasebi och Camilla Fågelborg m.fl. (FYRIS Comedy - Simon Garshasebi and Camilla Fågelborg and others)
Venue:- Fyris Comedy
Västra Ågatan 12, 753 09 Uppsala, Sweden
Show Name:- FYRIS Comedy - Simon Garshasebi och Camilla Fågelborg m.fl. (FYRIS Comedy - Simon Garshasebi and Camilla Fågelborg and others)
Host:- FYRIS COMEDY and LEVEL Rockbar
Artists:- Simon Garshasebi and Camilla Fågelborg
Show Description:-
Welcome to FYRIS Comedy - Uppsala’s hottest humor club! We invite you to a fantastic evening with both new comedians and professionals.
Tonight’s comedian:- SIMON GARSHASEBI
Uppsala zone which made success with the series Laxbralla in SVT. Since his stand-up debut in 2010, he has tore down scenes on scenes throughout the country. After a little jump in with us this spring, it’s now time for him to take the place he deserves.