Title:- Free Comedy Workshop (Part 2)
Venue:- Updown Bar - e grond méi
28 mtée du Grund, Luxembourg
Show Name:- Free Comedy Workshop (Part 2)
Host:- Updown Bar - e grond méi/ Grey Skies Comedy ASBL
Artists:- Various Artists
Date & Time:- Sun, November 24, 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Show Description:- You want to try your hand at stand-up comedy, but you have some questions, doubts, second thoughts – or you simply need an extra push. Well, save the date! Actually, save two of them:
Sunday, November 17: We’ll start with a free interactive workshop where your favourite Luxembourg comedians will talk about joke structure , creating, perfecting, and performing your comedy act , and what it means to be a comedian. Listen to first-person accounts by practising comedians, ask questions, and take part in activities where we guide YOU towards achieving your comedy goals!
URL:- Free Comedy Workshop (Part 2) Tickets, Sun, Nov 24, 2019 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite