Filip Ratković - Comedy show

Title:- Filip Ratković - Comedy show

Venue:- Metropolis Music & Billiards Club Zagreb, Avenija Dubrovnik 10, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia

Show Name:- Filip Ratković - Comedy show

Host:- Metropolis Music & Billiards Club Zagreb

Artists:- Leon Kondres/Filip Ratković

Date & Time:- Fri Nov 29 2019 at 08:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Show Description:- On November 29, the only Filip Filipovic performs for you in Metropolis.

The evening opens with Leon Kondres: he is often told that he has a bad haircut, and he readily replies: “I know.” It is not possible to dress or dress well, so it is more of a fashion anteater than a cat. He likes to think of pedophiles and is not afraid of the dark when the light is on.

And you watched it in the same episode of Supertalent as the evening’s comedian, Filip Ratkovic.

Modest, pretty cool guy. After numerous openings, he realized that it was time for him to be the main event and to open for him. A comedian of extremely personalized humor, original jokes and smart one liners, which after only five appearances, he started performing with the best. Modest. His punch ratio is as absurd as persona, and quality, so people say pure tens, though he would say it’s only 6 (“plus 4” some would add, but not him, because he’s modest). Maybe you watched him open Vlatka, maybe you watched him in the lineup of Linapp: The New Generation, maybe you watched it on television, maybe you didn’t watch it. Yes, she has a deep sexy voice, yes, she has over a million views online, yes, she is charismatic, yes, she has super outfits, but despite all that, she remains super relatable and fun. All in all, quite unpretentious for a genius. #ZeroEgo #EpsteinDidntKillHimself
