Title:- "Fifty-Fifty show" at Nicosia,Cyprus
Venue:- Center of Art and Culture - Korai 1
1 Adamantiou Korai Street-Nicosia, Nicosia Cyprus
Show Name:- “Fifty-Fifty show” at Nicosia,Cyprus
Host:- Center of Art and Culture - Korai 1/Minimis Theatre Company
Artists:- Harris Attonis and Stelios Kallistratis
Date & Time:- On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
From: Friday, November 1st, 2019
Until: Sunday, December 8th, 2019
Time: Starts at 20:30
Show Description:- A teacher in a sexual identity crisis, with a half-brother who wants to grab half of his inheritance and an elderly mother who refuses to die!
The black comedy “Fifty- Fifty” by acclaimed Catalan writers Jordi Sanchez and Pep Anton Gomes, after being successfully presented in Europe, is being staged for the first time in Cyprus, directed by Panagiotis Larkou and starring Harris Attonis and Stelios Kallistratis.
The three of them join forces for a second time, following this summer’s successful production “The God-son” by the Cyprus Theatrical Organization, aspiring to lure us in a world for anyone who dares to put aside social conventions and admits his/hers sinful hidden desires…
URL:- https://www.cyprusevents.net/events/fifty-fifty-nicosia-2019/