Family Affair - A Comedy Show


Family Affair - A Comedy Show
Buy tickets for Family Affair - A Comedy Show



Show Name:

Family Affair - A Comedy Show




Date & Time:

SEP 4 AT 12 AM – SEP 4 AT 1 AM UTC+08

Show Description:

In this comedy show, Clara Vandeweerdt takes the audience for a joyride about motherhood, open relationships, and the pickle of being both socially awkward and accidentally flirty at the same time. She jokes about her mild obsession with mustaches, her adorable soap-eating toddler, and her inability to get a date with Dave Grohl (so far). Part short-haired feminist, part wide-eyed pixie, Clara is a mix of hopeful, honest, and hilarious.

Family Affair is part of the Debut Fest arts festival happening on September 3rd. The show is in the Stardust room at culture venue Huset-KBH.

No need to buy a ticket–the whole festival is free and you can just show up!

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