Fabrizio Copano en Barcelona

Title:- Fabrizio Copano en Barcelona
Venue:- El Maldà
Carrer del Pi, 5, Barcelona, Spain

Show:- Fabrizio Copano en Barcelona
Hosted by:- Monólogamia & Fabrizio Copano

Date & Time:- Fri, 15 Nov, 10 pm – Sat, 16 Nov, 1 am GMT+1

Show Details Internet generates a high level of anxiety. This does not help much that, when we try to learn something, an App appears and we fly the slit in a microsecond. We give free data to the big companies and they in turn tell us what clothes we have to buy. We stop thinking, total, whatever Google Maps wants. We have to change before the poles are finished defrosting, but I don’t know where to start. From Tinder to marriage, from young promise to young adult promise, from local to immigrant, from troll to trolling. I can change. That’s what this new stand-up comedy hour is, honest and confessional, written and starring Fabrizio Copano, which I hope you like.

Event URL:- https://www.facebook.com/events/el-maldà/fabrizio-copano-en-barcelona/634772483693482/