Title:- “English Stand Up - Propaganda Comedy #2.03 - Two Jews” at Munich
Venue:- Shamrock Munich, Trautenwolfstraße 6, 80802 München, Germany
Show Name:- "English Stand Up - Propaganda Comedy #2.03 - Two Jews
Host:- Propaganda Comedy
Artists:- Adam Margulies and Eyal Wartelsky (TWO JEWS)
Date & Time:- Sun Jun 27 2021 at 06:30 pm to 10:30pm
Show Description:-
English Stand-Up Comedy in Munich! Musical Comedy Duo Adam Margulies and Eyal Wartelsky are an absolute riot and often cause riots.
Adam and Eyal are Two Jews, and two comedians based in Berlin. They have been performing together since 2019 and have developed a reputation for their irreverent style of comedy. Eyal was awarded as a semi finalist in the Berlin New Comedian Standup Awards. Adam is a failed opera singer. They are available for Weddings, Funerals, Bar Mitzvah’s and Birthdays.
Due to upholding local COVID health restrictions such as socially distanced seating arrangement, we will have very limited capacity.
BUT we got 2 shows!!
We open Doors at 6.30pm and 7pm show start for the EARLY SHOW
and 8.30pm doors for a 9pm show start for the LATE SHOW