Title:- English Stand up Comedy: The Trouble with Being Born Romanian
***Venue:-***ODD Trindade, R. Nova da Trindade 9D, Lisbon, Portugal
Show Name:- English Stand up Comedy: The Trouble with Being Born Romanian
***Host:-***English Stand up Comedy
***Artists:-***English Stand up Comedy
Date & Time:- Sun Nov 03 2019 at 07:00 pm to 08:30 pm
***Show Description:-***Hello. I am Romanian. Don’t worry. It’s a new concept for me being Romanian because when I was back home I was just a guy. Came over here, became Romanian. Now, when I go back home, I am a traitor. Romanian comedian Victor Patrascan is bewildered by our society and questions whether it is better to be Romanian or Bulgarian, right or left or just a person. Come watch a subversive, heartfelt and outrageous comedy show. If you are someone who questions everything about life, religion, politics, death and love, this is the show for you.no.1 in Roast Battle London Premier League 2018-19Beat the Frog World Series 2018