Title:- Elf Lyons: Love Songs to Guinea Pigs – Glasgow
Venue:- The Stand Comedy Club, Glasgow
333 Woodlands Road, G3 6NG Glasgow, United Kingdom
Show Name:- Elf Lyons: Love Songs to Guinea Pigs – Glasgow
Host:- Mick Perrin Worldwide Ltd/ The Stand Comedy Club, Glasgow/ Elf Lyons
Artists:- Elf Lyons
**Date & Time:-**Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Show Description:- Following her sold out run at last year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 2017’s Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Show Nominee Elf Lyons and award-winning comedian hits the road with her new show Love Songs to Guinea Pigs, a surreal tale of love and loneliness.
LSTGP is the perfect show to take a tinder date to, a friend who is going through a difficult divorce, your step-mum as an attempt to ‘bond’ or indeed just come on your own and be a legend.