"Do The Right Thing" by Danielle Ward

Podcast Name:- Do The Right Thing
Hosted by:- Danielle Ward
Team Captains:- Michael Legge and Margaret Cabourn-Smith

Short Description:- Do The Right Thing is a live audience comedy panel show hosted by Danielle Ward, with team captains Michael Legge and Margaret Cabourn-Smith. They are joined by different guests each week to work out what the right thing to do is in any given situation.

Podcast URL:- https://www.facebook.com/dtrtpodcast/

Some Episodes:-

(a) Best of? Series 1-6 (Published 10th July,2019)
URL:- https://media.acast.com/dotherightthing/bestof-series1-6/media.mp3

(b) 2017 Christmas Special (Jessica Fostekew & Nish Kumar)
URL:- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/2017-christmas-special-jessica-fostekew-nish-kumar/id453737551?i=1000397657351