"Daniel Sloss: X - Í Hörpu" at Reykjavik, Iceland

Title:- Daniel Sloss: X - Í Hörpu

Venue:- Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre
Austurbakki 2, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland

Show Name:- Daniel Sloss: X - Í Hörpu

Host:- Daniel Sloss/Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre/Sena Live

Artists:- Daniel Sloss

Date & Time:- Monday, October 28, 2019 at 8 PM – 10:30 PM

Show Description:- Daniel though margverðlaunaður hea hlotið einróma lof gagnrýnenda um out heim. Hann hefur komið fram Conan átta sinnum, selt upp sýningar 11 o röð á Edinborgarhátíðinni og fjórum sinnum slegið i gegn is New York.

URL:- https://www.facebook.com/events/harpa-concert-hall-and-conference-centre/daniel-sloss-x-í-hörpu/411774406241523/