Title:- Comedy Dungeon Stand-up
Venue:- Dungeon Pub
Štefánikova 14, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
Show Name:- Comedy Dungeon Stand-up
Host:- Comedy Dungeon and Dungeon Pub
Date & Time:- Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM
Show Description:- Last Tuesday in November, the comedians give up their last hopes at the last Comedy Dungeon this year. Comedy Dungeon has been producing unique humor in the intimate atmosphere of the Dungeon Pub for several years. Already on November 26 at 19:00.
You will be entertained:
Vlado Mikuláš
Matej Kubrický
Dominika Hulová
Matúš Toderiška
and Martin Hatala Stand-up
At the open mic performance you will see: Veronika “Tauma” Teszárová and Michal
URL:- https://www.facebook.com/events/dungeon-pub/comedy-dungeon-stand-up/465732764288781/