Title:- "Camden Comedy" by Danay Kidane
Venue:- Anseo, 18 Camden St, Dublin, Ireland
Show Name:- “Camden Comedy” by Danay Kidane
Host:- Camden Comedy Club & Anseo
Artists:- Various Comics
Date & Time:- 28th July/04th Aug, 2020 at 8pm onwards
Show Description:- Comedy club in central Dublin with some of the city’s funniest comedians on the lineup every Tuesday of the week.
Camden Comedy is a newly established comedy club on Camden Street. Each week you find a new lineup of experienced veteran comedians and newly started open micers. The show is free of charge and kicks of 8pm!
URL:- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/camden-comedy-tickets-90233216981?aff=ebdssbdestsearch