Title:- Brilliant Shampoo - Stand Up Comedy - "See the Positive"
Venue:- Pantheon Theatre
29 Diagoras Street, 1097 Nicosia, Cyprus
Show Name:- Brilliant Shampoo - Stand Up Comedy - “See the Positive”
Host:- Pantheon Theatre/Motion Media/Geek Cultura
Artists:- Lambros Fissifi
Date & Time:- 22nd Nov at 8PM & 10:30PM & 23rd Nov at 8:30PM
Show Description:- After 3 seasons in Athens and over 15,000 spectators across Greece, the stand-up comedy tour “See the Positive” continues.
In his quest to find the positive moments of life, Lambros Fissifi over-analyzes the details of everyday life, puts under the microscope the trivial things that bother us, self-deprecates his weaknesses and curbs everything that conspires against our happiness.