Big StandUp in Tallinn

Title:- Big StandUp in Tallinn

Venue:- Baltic Concert Group
Manniku, 11215 Tallinn, Estonia

Show Name:- Big StandUp in Tallinn

Host:- Baltic Concert Group/Pillau Events

Artists:- Comedy Club Production

Date & Time:- Thursday, November 28, 2019 at 6 PM – 9 PM

Show Description:- Many people try to joke about life, sex, sports, wives, children, or the political situation, however, it is ridiculous for some to do this, and Stand Up participants are just one of them. They don’t read a piece of paper and can afford to say any, even the most cynical, things from the stage. They completely lack the instinct of self-preservation, otherwise they would not have brought personal and social problems to the public, because at least this is fraught with scandal, and at the very least with a summons to deport from the country.
The show created by Comedy Club Production, over the years of its existence, has grown rumors and an army of fans (and haters), and comedians themselves have matured, have performed thousands of concerts and have proved that large-scale scenery, special effects or musical breaks are not needed to make the audience laugh.