Title:- “Best of Irish” Show by Colm O’Regan /Steve Bennett
Venue:- Laughter Lounge
8 Eden Quay, North City, Dublin 1, Ireland
Show:- “Best of Irish” Show hosted by Colm O’Regan /Steve Bennett/Damian Clark
Date & Time:- Sep 5, 6 & 7 , 2019 at 7 PM
Show Description:-
Ireland’s Best Comedians jam-packed together for one craic-filled weekend? Duh, that’s why it’s called Best of Irish yiz big ejits! We’ve got Comedian, Author and Broadcaster, Colm O’Regan in who absolutely kills it on our stage! He’ll be joined by Irish Comedian of the Year Winner, Steve Bennett making audiences LOL.A stellar act! Australian fire-cracker, Damian Clark, will host too.
URL:- https://facebook.com/events/375896399781303?event_time_id=375896406447969/