Title:- “Barbora Poláková Show” at S-Klub Olomouc
Venue:- S-Klub,
17. listopadu 43, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia
Show Name:- “Barbora Poláková Show” at S-Klub Olomouc
Host:- S-Klub,/Barbora Poláková
Artists:- Barbora Poláková
Date & Time:- 11. 10. 2019 at 8PM onwards
Show Description:- Bára Poláková as a singer sailed into the consciousness of people with her hit The Cow, which was a huge success with the public. When she released a clip for the song Nafrněná, she had a certain place. He has released two studio albums, the newer one is from spring this year and is called ZE.MĚ