Title:- "an evening with lewis & lee!" show at Edinburgh
Venue:- The Congress Theatre Cwmbran in Cwmbran
Show Name:- “an evening with lewis & lee!” show at Edinburgh
Host:- The Congress Theatre Cwmbran
Artists:- Lewis & Lee
Date & Time:- Friday 18th September 2020, 8:00pm til 10:00pm
Minimum Age: 14
Show Description:- Classic Comedy Returns!
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the stage – Lewis & Lee!
It’s a welcome return to the Golden Age of British Comedy from the modern pairing in a sixties’ era. Sit back and relax as they take you on a trip down memory lane when comedy was just good old-fashioned clean fun!
Lots of laughs are ensured as the two comics entertain you with sketches, songs and a few surprises that are sure to delight! An act packed full of guest appearances that will definitely have you laughing from start to finish!
Whether ‘back in the day’ or for years to come, Lewis & Lee will prove to you that laughter truly is the best medicine!