Title:- "ALADDIN THE PANTO show" at Attard,Malta
Venue:- Malta Fairs & Conventions Centre, Attard, Malta
Show Name:- “ALADDIN THE PANTO show” at Attard,Malta
Host:- MADC
Artists:- MADC panto Aladdin
Date & Time:- 23/12/2019 - 04/01/2020 19:30
Show Description:- This year’s MADC panto Aladdin takes the audience on a magical trip to the Orient to tell the story of the poor young man who goes on an intricate journey peppered with fun and funny characters, spirits, genies, music, dance, drama and magical rings and lamps to get his wishes fulfilled. The script is written by Alan Montanaro who returns to play the Dame and the production features a cast of over 30 actors and dancers directed by Michael Mangion, choreographed by Francesco Nicodeme and led by musical director Ryan Abela with lavish costumes designed by Isabel Warrington which complement the charming oriental stage sets.
This is one of the season’s largest productions aimed at all the family and also features Stephen Oliver, John Montanaro, Alexander Gatesy Lewis, Jasmine Farrugia, Noel Zarb, Matthew Manfre, Joseph Pavia, Karl Bartolo, Chaya Fenech, Mariosa Pavia, Carly Zarb, Colleen Genovese, Megan Attard, Nicole Sciberras, Andrew John Sciberras, Benjamin Tonna, Brendon Vella, David Bartolo, Gianluca Bianco, Kurt Gabriel Meli, Rhea Fenech, Martina Farrugia, Emily Abela, Luke Galea, and Gareth Fenech.
URL:- https://www.visitmalta.com/en/event-details/2019-12/aladdin-the-panto-13330